The Cookie occurrence is located on an east-west–trending ridge, north of Wrede Creek and approximately 4.5 kilometres south of Fleet Peak.
The regional geology is similar to that of the Shred occurrence (MINFILE 094D 111). Takla Group volcanics overlie a Lower Permian Asitka Group volcano-sedimentary package. A broadly granitic suite of Lower Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous intermediate to felsic intrusions intrude the Takla volcanics. Structure in the area is dominated by a series of north-northwest–trending faults that form terrane boundaries between the Stikine, Quesnel and Cassiar terranes.
Locally, the area is underlain by Upper Triassic Takla Group augite±feldspar phyric basalts, basaltic andesite flows, tuffs (including lapilli tuff and volcanic breccias) and related intrusions, argillites and dark carbonate rocks. The Takla Group rocks are intruded by diorite, quartz diorite, hornblende diorite, quartz diorite porphyry and diorite porphyry related to the Lower Jurassic Fleet Peak pluton. The dioritic rocks predominantly occur as dikes and sills and generally form west-northwest–trending lenticular slivers. The Red property is characterized by a northwest-trending structural corridor that controls the emplacement of the broadly dioritic intrusive complex. The dioritic intrusives are located between the North Lineament and South Lineament creeks’ drainage and the Bird and North Canyon creeks’ drainage.
Alteration is generally phyllic and argillic, becoming increasingly more propylitic with depth. Alteration minerals include sericite, quartz, epidote, chlorite, pyrophyllite and calcite.
Locally, a 4-metre wide, coarse-grained ultramafic amphibolite hosts rare pods of malachite and azurite near its contact with a felsic intrusive. Along the ridge to the west of the previous zone, narrow (0.05 metre wide) quartz veins and sparse pods hosting disseminated chalcopyrite and rare bornite cut a granitic host.
Work History
The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the Red (MINFILE 094D 034) occurrence and a complete regional exploration history can be found there.
In 2021, Wedgemount Resources Corp. completed a program of geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and spectral analysis on the area as the regionally extensive Cookie property. A grab sample (D704013) assayed 2.61 per cent copper, 0.35 gram per tonne gold and 8.6 grams per tonne silver, whereas another sample (D704014), taken several hundred metres to the west along the ridge, assayed 0.27 per cent copper and 0.23 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 40029).