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File Created: 02-Apr-2009 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  03-Aug-2021 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name MAY Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094D098
Status Showing NTS Map 094D15E
Latitude 056º 58' 48'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 33' 36'' Northing 6317808
Easting 648286
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Silver, Molybdenum Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Stikine, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The May occurrence is located 3.5 kilometres west from the north end of Fredrikson Lake approximately 176 kilometres north-northwest of the community of Germansen Landing. The Kemess South occurrence (094E 094) is 12 kilometres west-northwest.

The showing is hosted in Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanics. Regionally, the volcanic rocks are bounded to the west by the north trending Moose Valley fault. Across the Moose Valley fault lies a thick succession of clastics belonging to the Middle-Upper Cretaceous Sustut Group. Devonian to Permian Asitka Group are in fault contact with Stuhini volcanics to the east. Further east, the Early Jurassic Fredrikson Peak stock intrudes the Asitka Group rocks. Stratigraphically, intermediate volcanics grade upward into interbedded volcanics and cherty to carbonaceous sediments. These are overlain by cherts and rhyolites and are intruded by rocks ranging from granodiorites to diorites.

Two mineralized areas occur on the property, about 450 metres apart. Firstly, chalcopyrite and sphalerite occur in a 2.4-metre-wide quartz vein, near a granite-andesite contact. The vein is oriented at a 010 degree strike, dipping 65 degrees. In 1972, a chip sample from a 0.30 metre section of high grade hangingwall material assayed 1.38 grams per tonne silver, 0.37 per cent copper and 4.30 per cent zinc (Property File Cyprus Anvil - Tompson, W.D., 1972). Secondly, chalcopyrite and molybdenite veins occur in feldspar-altered granite near its contact with a limestone body. The veins have steep dips and strike northwest.

In 2007-08, a heliborne and radiometric survey over the Croy Bloom and Kem properties of Serengeti Resources Inc. was carried out. The survey was part of a three property survey; planned coverage of 2322 line kilometres. The survey area covered the May occurrence.

EMPR OF 2001-01
EMPR PF Cyprus Anvil (John Leontowich (1972-07-01): Canada, Sheet 94D showing Fredrikson Lake and John Leontowich's cabin; John Leontowich (1972-07-01): Photo, Fredrickson Peak, John Leontowich prospect; John Leontowich (1972-07-01): Photo, John Leontowich digging high grade out of snow; John Leontowich (1972-07-01): Photo, John Leontowich prospect; John Leontowich (1972-07-01): Photo, John Leontowich at Cu-Zn vein (2); (1972-07-01): Photo, John Leontowich at Cu-Zn vein; John Leontowich (1972-07-01): Photo, John Leontowich at Fredrickson Lake cabin; Tompson, W.D., (1972-07-09): Preliminary Report of Property Examination, May group)
GSC OF 342
GSC P 76-29