The 04SEN-230 occurrence is located in the upper reaches of the east branch of Croyden Creek, 12 kilometres southeast of Johanson Lake. It comprises a system of mainly flat-lying mineralized quartz veins hosted in a northwest-trending diorite to monzodiorite stock that cuts volcaniclastic rocks of the Upper Triassic Takla Group. Individual quartz veins are up to 15 centimetres thick, and are variably mineralized with pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite and malachite. A grab sample collected from well-mineralized vein material yielded 0.940 gram per tonne gold, greater than 100 grams per tonne silver, greater than 1 per cent lead, and 0.26 per cent copper (Fieldwork 2004, pages 109-130). This sample was collected by BC Geological Survey staff in 2004 on the Johanson Lake project.