The Peteka occurrence is located approximately 2 kilometres east of Mount Patcha.
The showing is hosted in Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) rocks. The most dominant rock type is andesite which is typically red-purple (maroon) in colour and is locally vesicular. Where porphyritic, the andesites contain hornblende and plagioclase phenocrysts. Other rocks in the area include aphanitic basalts and meta-sediments and diabase dikes. These dikes are probably related to the Eocene Kastberg Intrusions (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 342).
The most observable alteration is hematite which gives a mottled red-green appearance to the volcanics. Epidote alteration is observed locally in association with the fractures. Chlorite alteration is minor except in the basaltic unit. Carbonate alteration is minor and found throughout the area in narrow calcite stringers. Mineralization consists of chalcopyrite with minor malachite and azurite. The chalcopyrite occurs disseminated or in small blebs in narrow fractures and shear zones.
Four rock grab samples from fractures or narrow shear zones assayed 0.80 to 3.60 per cent copper and 33.6 to 80.9 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14680).
The Peteka 6, 7, 8 claims were staked in 1984 to cover an airborne magnetic anomaly similar to the airborne anomaly on the Peteka 1 to 4 claims staked in 1984. In 1985, a cursory examination of the property including geological mapping, geochemical sampling and prospecting was completed. A total of 200 soil and 7 rock samples were taken for analysis. No significant precious metal soil geochemical anomalies were located. Moderate to weak copper, lead, zinc anomalies were located on the Peteka 6 and 7 claims.