The Red Copper occurrence is located just north of the Asitka River, approximately 17 kilometres east of the confluence of the Asitka and Sustut rivers (Assessment Report 4855).
The occurrence is hosted in Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) sheared and porphyritic andesite. The mineralized shears are related to regional east-trending faults in the area (Assessment Report 4855). The smaller shears generally strike 140 degrees and dip 70 degrees to the east. Mineralization consists primarily of bornite with lesser chalcocite, chalcopyrite and, possibly, native copper. Malachite staining commonly marks the shear zones. A "fist" size pod in a minor shear zone, cutting grey-brown andesite, contained approximately 20 per cent bornite (Assessment Report 4855).
Rio Tinto Canadian Exploration held the property in the early 1970s as the "A" claim group. A detailed sampling and mapping program, supported by trenching and diamond drilling was conducted. Two drill holes were completed on the A462 occurrence (104D 102). A total of 2498 geochemical samples were taken, mostly soil. In 1974, a combined magnetic and electromagnetic survey totalling 640 kilometres in length was completed over the 'A' claims, including the Red Copper occurrence area (Assessment Report 4921). Several high conductivity anomalies on the claims were recommended for follow-up.
See A462 (104D 102) for further details of the Rio Tinto work on their 'A' claims.