The JB occurrence is located about 7 kilometres north of Tenakihi Lakes and approximately 68 kilometres north-northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The showing area is underlain by Upper Triassic Takla Group andesitic flows, argillite, and shale. The sedimentary component of the package exhibits moderate to strong hornfelsing. At several localities in and adjacent to the chalcopyrite mineralized zone are angular to subangular float occurrences of hornblende and/or feldspar porphyry dikes.
Disseminated and fracture-filled sulphide mineralization consisting of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and trace to minor amounts of chalcopyrite is widespread within the hornfelsed sedimentary unit. Magnetite is locally associated with the sulphides. Volcanic rocks commonly contain minor amounts of finely disseminated pyrite. Alteration minerals observed include vein carbonate, lesser epidote as patches and veinlets and local hematite on fractures. Quartz veining is rare to absent.
In 1989, minor chalcopyrite mineralization along about one kilometre of new logging road was discovered by B. Bowen and A.C. Gordon.
In 1991, five claims (JB) were staked to cover areas of copper mineralization and favourable geology. Subsequent prospecting in 1991 by Bowen and Sveen led to the discovery of additional chalcopyrite mineralization located about one kilometre to the east of the original showings area. One grab sample of hornfelsed argillite float containing a well developed sulphide veinlet stockwork consisting of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite with associated magnetite yielded values of 2.15 grams per tonne gold and 0.095 per cent copper (Assessment Report 22489). Also in 1991, a mapping crew from the British Columbia Geological Survey visited the area's road system and two new MINFILE showings were created based on their work. These are CR (094C 120) and Nuthatch (094C 121) which occur along the main road about 3 and 2 kilometres east, respectively, of the plotted location of the JB occurrence (Fieldwork 1991). The CR and Nuthatch were covered by the 1991 JB claims and the 2007 NewJB claims and prospecting by Bowen appears to have occurred in the plotted area of these showings.
In 2007, owner B. Bowen completed a 2.3-kilometre-long prospecting traverse along portions of a logging road system on the NewJB 1 and 5 claims. The objective of the work was to try to locate additional mineralized float and/or outcrop. In 2010, F. Shirvani conducted a lineament study and graphic depiction of structural features and an ASTER-based spectrometric study on the JB Project claims.