The Ache occurrence is located about 4.7 kilometres south of Tutizzi Lake and approximately 81 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The showing is hosted in augite porphyry agglomerate of the Upper Triassic Plughat Mountain Formation (Takla Group). Blebs of chalcopyrite and traces of malachite occur on fracture surfaces and with epidote and calcite veining.
In 1992, the Ache showing was first documented by a mapping crew of the British Columbia Geological Survey. The general area was prospected and sampled in the 1960s, 1970s, 1990s and in 2005 but no work was indicated on the Ache, though the showing itself is indicated in the 2005 assessment report. Gridwork was done just north of the Ache area. See Tut 6 (094C 136) located 2 kilometres west for a common history of area work.
In 2012, Commander Resources Ltd. carried out prospecting and soil (5) and rock (2) sampling on the Tut South property which covers the Ache and Tut 6 (094C 136) showings.