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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  27-May-2021 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 094C3 Zn1
Name CARIE, WASI CREEK, CARRIE, OSI Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094C015
Status Prospect NTS Map 094C03E
Latitude 056º 06' 33'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 02' 29'' Northing 6220107
Easting 373052
Commodities Lead, Zinc, Silver Deposit Types E12 : Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cassiar
Capsule Geology

The Carie occurrence is located on the east bank of a small tributary to Wasi Creek, 5 kilometres north of Wasi Lake and approximately 45 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.

The showing is hosted within a dolomitized carbonate breccia of the Ordovician to Lower Devonian Echo Lake Group, near the contact between a dolomite and an overlying slate unit, probably of the Upper Devonian to Permian Big Creek Group. Post-mineral propylitically-altered andesite dikes striking 270 and 220 degrees (dipping 60 degrees north and vertically, respectively) occur near the showing.

Disseminated and massive galena, disseminated sphalerite, hydrozincite and smithsonite and locally massive crystalline barite, detected using field tests, are hosted predominantly in a lower dolomite unit. A grab sample assayed 5.13 per cent lead, 0.38 per cent zinc and 40 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 5803). In 1979, two short drillholes totalling 80 metres were put down on the showing with poor results (Assessment Report 7611).

The property was explored by Suzie Mining Exploration during the 1970s as part of the Wasi Lake project, this included the Wasi-Beverly (094C 023) and Weber (094C 024) occurrences. Exploration work included trenching, geological surveys, geochemical surveys and diamond drilling on the Bull’s Eye anomaly. A second showing was discovered about 600 metres east of the first. This showing, consisting of sphalerite and some galena, occurs in a brecciated zone about 9 metres long and 6 metres thick.

In August 2006, Selkirk Metals Corp. completed a trenching program at the Carrie prospect that was comprised of three trenches totalling approximately 203 metres, and was designed to delineate the extent of the zinc mineralization discovered here earlier, and to determine the strike and attitude of that mineralization. Carrie trenches #1 and #2 adequately tested the mineralization, although trench #2 did not quite fully test the entire mineralized zone before it dipped under overburden cover. Trench #3 confirmed the mineralization seen above, but could not be entered other than for a brief moment due to very wet and unstable ground conditions. Additionally two trenches totalling 60 metres were dug along the Par horizon (094C 024) located 2 kilometres north-northeast. While the trenches at the Par horizon only encountered low grade mineralization, the Carrie trenches were successful in delineating a large area of zinc mineralization. Results include 4 metres of 7.11 per cent zinc within 30 metres of 2.42 per cent zinc (Assessment Reports 29667 and 33629).

During November and December 2006, a 4-hole 1094.0 metre drill program was completed to test three different targets. The first target was to test for mineralization found in Carrie trenches 1, 2, and 3 completed earlier in the year. The trenches are on the west side of Wasi Creek on the east-facing slopes of Carrie Mountain. The first two holes (WZ-06-08 and WX-06-09) drilled were sulphide-poor and returned no significant results. The next target (WZ-06-10) was a well-defined electromagnetic (EM) conductor striking at 335 degrees running parallel to the Carrie trenches. The centre of the EM conductor was very close to the collars of the first two Carrie holes so the set up was achieved by spinning the drill around on the same pad. Drillholes WZ-06-08 and WZ-06-09 intersected mostly non-mineralized siltstone/phyllite lithologies with interbeds of argillite. WZ-06-10 intersected similar lithologies with highly fractured black argillites and interbedded siltstone. The third target was a step-out hole (WZ-06-11) 100 metres to the west of Cominco’s hole 92-9 to test the continuity of mineralization at depth and a conductor near the hole collar.

In 2012, Selkirk Metals Corp. conducted a geochemical soil sampling program in two phases with the initial work from May 28 to June 10 and the follow up work from September 21 to October 1. The initial phase consisted of 169 Ah-soil samples and 705 B-soil samples. Follow up work consisted of 53 Ah-soil samples, 455 B-soil samples, and 4 rock samples. The initial 2012 exploration program was successful in delineating several new targets on the property. Follow up work provided infill and extensions to the sample density around anomalous regions.

In 2018, Selkirk carried out a geochemical program on the Wasi Creek property claims; a total of 430 B-soil samples and 11 rock samples were taken.

EMPR ASS RPT 5647, 5803, 6072, 6618, *7611, 27032, 27532, 27907, 28364, *29667, 33629, 37942
EMPR EXPL 1975-158; 1976-168; 1977-212; 1978-240
EMPR FIELDWORK 1989, pp. 101-114; 1991, pp. 127-145; 1992, pp. 109-134
EMPR GEM 1974-290
EMPR OF 1990-17; 1993-2; 1995-6; 1996-19
EMPR PF Chevron (C.H. Stanley (1976): Suzie Gold Mines Ltd. Newsletter No. 17; W.G. Smitheringale (1977): Exploration Map - Figure 4 - Wasi Lake Project; Suzie Gold Mines Ltd. (1978): Drill Assays and drill plan - Wasi Lake Project; Susie Gold Mines Ltd. (unknown): Geology and Property Holdings map in the Wasi Lake Lead-Zinc Belt; Northern Miner (1977): News clippings from Northern Miner RE: Susie Gold; J. Paul Stevenson (1978): Susie Gold Mines Ltd. Newsletter No. 16; Susie Mines Ltd. (1978): Statement of Material Facts - Susie Mines Ltd.; X-ray assay laboratories (1978): Certification of Analysis - No. 3481-5; Unknown (unknown): Cross sections, looking north from the Carie Anomaly and looking northwest from the Osilinka River)
GBC 2021-01, pp. 105-120
GSC MEM 274, p. 228
GSC OF 864
Chevron File
PR REL Bard Ventures Ltd. Oct.13,28, 2004, Dec.5, 2005, Jan.11, 2007; Cross Lake Minerals Ltd. Jun.14, 2001, Mar.*17, 2004, Jun.*21, 2005