The LCF occurrence is located on the east side of the Omineca development road, 4 kilometres northwest of the upper Lay Creek bridge, approximately 117 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
Hostrocks are altered greenstones recently reassigned to the Upper Triassic Plughat Mountain Formation of the Takla Group (formerly assigned to Lay Range Assemblage) (Open File 1993-2). These greenstones have been pervasively altered to quartz-carbonate rock along a 50- to 70-metre-wide zone along the Lay Creek fault (Assessment Report 11864), a major structure at least 30 kilometres in length.
Eight trench samples of buff to brown, rusty weathering quartz-carbonate rock (listwanite?) carrying minor sulphides yielded low geochemical results. In 1983, geochemical analysis of a grab sample of rusty weathering, fine grained, equigranular, massive quartz-carbonate rock scraped from the roadbed yielded 6.68 grams per tonne gold and 4.4 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 11864).
In 1982, Golden Rule Resources Ltd. carried out reconnaissance geological mapping and rock geochemical sampling.