The Uslika Coal occurrence is located on the west side of the Osilinka River valley, south of Uslika Lake, approximately 47 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
A small fault-bounded outlier, approximately 1.5 kilometres by 500 metres in size, contains conglomerate, sandstone, shale, and coal of the Upper Cretaceous Sustut Group. The section is approximately 120 metres thick. The basal unit is a conglomerate with pebbles of various lithologies up to 12 centimetres in size (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 274). The conglomerate is overlain by beds of grey massive shale, coarse micaceous sandstone containing numerous woody fragments, and thin seams of coal and coaly shale (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 274). The largest observed coal seam, free of shaly partings, is 45 centimetres thick. The coal is reported to be of lignite to sub-bituminous rank (Fieldwork 1991, page 132).