The Regent lead-silver occurrence is located near the south end of a ridge east of the confluence of Tenakihi Creek and Osilinka River, 50 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
Hostrocks are dense, flat-lying limestone of the Neoproterozoic Espee Formation (Ingenika Group). An irregular, pod-shaped "vein" of solid, crystalline galena is present in the limestone hostrock, and is exposed for 1 metre, reaching a maximum width of 30 centimetres. The galena is concordant to bedding and weakly banded with alternating coarse and fine-grained material. The exposure is poor and badly weathered, however, boulders of massive galena up to 30 centimetres in size are common in the talus on the western side of the ridge. In 1954, grab samples of the galena yielded assays which averaged 83.5 per cent lead and 1576 grams per tonne silver (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 274, page 228).