The main Ingenika River placer gold occurrence is located between Wrede and Pelly creeks, approximately 130 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
According to Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 274 (page 199) "the most productive stretch of the river has been that part between the mouths of Wrede and Pelly creeks". Bedrock in the area consists of Neoproterozoic Tsaydiz Formation (Ingenika Group) sericitic phyllites with interbeds of limestone and grit. Fine gold was also reported to occur in the wash at the mouth of the river (Geological Survey of Canada Annual Report 1894, Volume VII, page 16C).
Recorded production from 1906-1910 was 2177 grams, from 1916-1920 was 6220 grams and from 1931-1935 was 93 grams, for a grand total of 8490 grams (Bulletin 28, pages 43, 45).