The Ruby occurrence is located at the headwaters of Jim May Creek near the western edge of the Omineca Belt, approximately 50 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The showing is hosted in a shear within Neoproterozoic Swannell Formation (Ingenika Group) grey quartzite and siliceous sericite schist. Locally, a 150-metre-long trending zone of argillites host quartz veins, varying from 0.15 to 8.2 metres wide, occur within a brecciated fault or shear zone striking 055 degrees and dipping 60 degrees south. Disseminated galena, pyrite, argentite and minor amounts of chalcopyrite, molybdenite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, pyrargyrite and arsenopyrite have been recognized in hand specimens.
In 1987, rock chip samples yielded values up to 0.71 gram per tonne gold over 1.65 metres and 44.4 grams per tonne silver from brecciated quartz veins (Assessment Report 17458).
In 2001, chip samples of vein material from former 1946 workings assayed:
--------------------------------------------------------Sample No. Gold Silver Width (g/t) (g/t) (m) 1 1.03 1999 0.90 2 1.37 1313 0.75 3 trace 2082 0.45 4 9.60 308 0.45 5 6.17 226 0.60 6 2.06 213 0.75 7 0.35 384 1.20 8 1.72 611 1.20 9 1.03 1050 1.35 10 2.74 3241 1.20 --------------------------------------------------------
Sample No. Gold Silver Width
(g/t) (g/t) (m)
1 1.03 1999 0.90
2 1.37 1313 0.75
3 trace 2082 0.45
4 9.60 308 0.45
5 6.17 226 0.60
6 2.06 213 0.75
7 0.35 384 1.20
8 1.72 611 1.20
9 1.03 1050 1.35
10 2.74 3241 1.20
(Assessment Report 27014)
In 2010, a representative grab sample of vein material assayed 1066 grams per tonne silver and 3.3 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 31836).
In 1944, the occurrence was discovered and during 1945-46 Cominco completed exploration programs on the area.
In 1987, Skylark Resources completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Cabin 1-2 claims.
In 2001, L.B. Warren completed a program of geological mapping and rock and soil sampling on the area as the Jimmay property. During 2010 through 2012, Brocade Metals completed programs of prospecting, trenching, geochemical sampling and five diamond-drill holes, totalling 638.5 metres, on the area as the Ruby claims.