The OS occurrence is located 6.3 kilometres east of Notch Peak and about 82 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The showing area is underlain by the contact of diorite, the predominant rock type, and a body of granite that forms part of the Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Hogem Plutonic Suite which consists of numerous plutonic bodies of distinct age. This plutonic suite varies in composition between gabbro, diorite, monzonite, syenite and alkali feldspar syenite. The showing occurs near several small granite and lamprophyre dikes that intrude the diorite along the periphery of its contact with the granite.
Locally, the granites host minor quartz veins and stockworks which may contain disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite. The diorite can host local minor quartz veins and stockworks; minor malachite and locally minor epidote and limonite alteration was observed. The diorite contains locally abundant magnetite while the granite contains none. In 1991, a grab sample from a weakly limonitic diorite with minor malachite stain assayed 0.113 per cent copper (Assessment Report 21425).
In 1991, Cyprus Gold (Canada) Ltd. conducted reconnaissance-style geological mapping, soil and rock sampling, and proton magnetometer surveying.