The Ingenika occurrence is located at approximately 1500 metres elevation on the west side of Conical Peak, approximately 3 kilometres south of the Ingenika River, about 139 kilometres north-northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
Regionally, the area is underlain by a series of north-northwest trending sedimentary rocks of the Neoproterozoic Ingenika Group and include argillite, greywacke, wacke and conglomerate turbidites of the Swannell Formation, mudstone, siltstone, shale and fine clastic sedimentary rocks of the Tsaydiz and Stelkuz formations and limestone, marble and calcareous sedimentary rocks of the Espee Formation.
The showing is reported to consist of several outcrops of drusy quartz veins mineralized with pyrite and minor amounts of galena, sphalerite, and native gold (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 274, page 204). The immediate hostrock is dark green porphyritic andesite in an area of micaceous quartzites and phyllites of the Neoproterozoic Swannell Formation (Ingenika Group). The veins are reported to be as much as 1.2 metres in thickness. Extensive areas of limonite-hematite gossan with no apparent source material are present in the area.
Work History
In 2011, Bolero Resources Corp. completed a regional program of heavy mineral and silt sampling on the area to the north of the Ingenika River as the Charge property (Assessment Report 32734).