The Cyn (West Grid) occurrence is located an elevation of approximately 1850 metres on a south-southeast–trending ridge, north of the West Nebasche River and approximately 4.7 kilometres east of the north end of Wicked Lake.
The Wicked Lake area is situated on the dome-like, south-plunging nose of the Bernard anticline, bound to the west by the Mount Burden thrust fault and bound to the east by the Nabesche River fault. Hangingwall strata west of the Mount Burden fault include Ordovician to Devonian Road River Group calcareous shale, limestone and siltstone; Ordovician Skoki Formation dolostone, limestone, siltstone and volcanics and Cambro-Ordovician Kechika Group siltstone, shale and limestone. Footwall strata, east of the thrust, include Devonian and Carboniferous Besa River Formation shale and limestone, Middle Devonian Dunedin Formation limestone and dolostone, Lower and Middle Devonian Stone Formation dolostone and sandstone and Silurian and Devonian Muncho-McConnell Formation dolostone and Silurian Nonda Formation dolostone and limestone.
Locally, at the West Grid zone, Dunedin Formation dolomite hosts several small sphalerite showings along a faulted and brecciated zone. Sphalerite is finely disseminated and is associated with fracture-filled white sparry dolomite.
Another zone (East Grid zone) of minor sphalerite mineralization associated with thin calcite veins in a shaly limestone is reported approximately 1.7 kilometres southeast of the West grid zone.
In 1974, a chip sample from the West Grid zone assayed 1.04 per cent zinc and 2.17 per cent lead (Assessment Report 5470).
Work History
During 1972 through 1974, British Newfoundland Exploration Ltd. completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area immediately north as the Alpine, Brin, Low, Cyn and Vale claim groups of the Nabesche property.