The Ospika occurrence lies 11 kilometres east of the junction of the Ospika and Gauveau rivers, 115 kilometres north of the town of MacKenzie.
Cambrian to Ordovician Kechika Group dolomite, limestone and limy phyllite and Lower Ordovician Skoki Formation dolomite, limestone and siltstone comprise a Lower Paleozoic carbonate package. The Kechika Group is exposed in the core of an overturned anticline and is thrust over the Skoki Formation from the west.
Locally, minor hydrozincite was identified on fractures in a dolomite breccia at the head of Butt Creek. Later work, in 1980, discovered an outcrop of silicified dolomite with disseminated pyrite in the bed of Butt Creek.
Work History
In 1980, Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical (rock and silt) sampling on the area as the Witch claims.