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File Created: 01-Jun-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  14-Apr-2021 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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BCGS Map 093O051
Status Showing NTS Map 093O12W
Latitude 055º 32' 59'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 58' 12'' Northing 6156394
Easting 438803
Commodities Thorium, Rare Earths, Lanthanum, Cesium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Samarium, Niobium, Europium, Ytterbium Deposit Types O02 : Rare element pegmatite - NYF family
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Bliss occurrence is located on a ridge approximately 6.8 kilometres east of the mouth of Munro Creek on the Manson River, about 58 kilometres northwest of the community of Mackenzie.

The area lies within the Omineca Belt, which consists of siliciclastic sediments with minor carbonates and mafic rocks. These rocks belong to the late Proterozoic Ingenika Group. Within the Wolverine Range, the sediments are highly metamorphosed and subsequently intruded by granodioritic bodies and associated pegmatites, which are most likely Paleogene. The Proterozoic Wolverine Complex rocks consist of amphibolite and calc-silicate gneiss, schists, micaceous quartzite and crystalline limestone.

Locally, a number of en echelon tabular bodies of quartz-rich quartzofeldspathic biotite gneiss along the margin of an intrusion of fine-grained granite hosts allanite in a matrix of diopside, quartz, apatite, magnetite and accessory titanite and scheelite. Mineralization has been mapped over an area of 550 by 110 metres.

In 2010, a sample (E922522) assayed 3.500 per cent lanthanum, 3.970 per cent cesium, 0.301 per cent praseodymium, 0.722 per cent neodymium, 0.050 per cent samarium, 0.085 per cent niobium and 0.011 per cent europium (Assessment Report 31947).

In 2011, select samples of allanite bearing “dike” structures assayed up to 11.4 per cent total rare earth oxides plus yttrium (TREO+Y), while trench sampling, from trenches TR11-05 and TR11-08, yielded 1.97 and 1.98 per cent TREO+Y over 4.0 and 3.4 metres, respectively (Assessment Report 32770).

During 2006 through 2011, Paget Minerals completed programs of rock and silt sampling, geological mapping, and a combined airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, totalling 564.4 line-kilometres, on the area known as the Mount Bisson property.

In 2016, Glen Prior conducted a radiation survey over the Bisson claim in search of elevated rare-earth element–associated thorium values. Measurements were taken at 504 stations over an area of approximately 250 square metres.

EMPR ASS RPT 28877, 29693, 30498, *31947, *32770, 36721
EMPR EXPL 1988-C182
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 169-180; *1989, pp. 297-304; 1992, pp.301-306
EMPR PF Chevron (Unknown (1988): Figure Three, map showing geology and showings, REE - Mt. Bison; S. McAllister (1988): Memo to Earl Dodson re: REE Project - Mt. Bison - summary of results; M.W. Hitzman (1989): Chevron Minerals, 1989, letter to John Hamilton regarding Ursa property; A. Halleran (1988): The Halleran Alkaline Complex Manson Creek Area; A. Halleran (unknown): Location of Halleran Property and other carbonatite and nepheline syenite gneiss complexes; Unknown (unknown): Fig. 6 - Property Geology, Halleran Alkaline Complex; Unknown (unknown): Fig. 10 - Cross-section may of the Ursa Property; Meder (1997): Figure 2 - Geological map of the Aley carbonatite; E.D. Dodson (1989): Note re Ursa option; Chemex Labs Ltd. (1986): Certificate of Analysis for Mon 1-8 and Mon 2-86 samples; A. Halleran (unknown): Map of the property geology of the Halleran Alkaline Complex; Unknown (unknown): Rough calculations of chip and rock samples from the Will, Laura, and Ursa claims; Chemex Labs Ltd. (1987): Certificate of Analysis for Mon 1-8 samples)
EMPR PFD 503125
PR REL Paget Minerals Corp., Aug.25, 2010, Aug.23, 2011
GSC MAP 11-1961
GSC OF 925
Breaks, F.W. (2009-11-10): Geological Report on the Mount Bisson Rare-Earth Element Claim Group
Breaks, F.W. (2010-11-28): Geological Report on the Mount Bisson Rare-Earth Element Claim Group