The area of the LST occurrence is underlain by limestone of the Carboniferous and Permian Slide Mountain Group. Limestone on the property is reported to be pure, massive or banded and varying in colour from grey to white to beige. The strata appears to strike north to northwest with dips of 25 to 43 degrees to the east and northeast respectively. Some outcrops of quartz schist occur in the area.
The limestone was tested for total sulphur, maximum potential acidity, neutralization potential, paste pH and specific gravity. Sulphur content was between 0.002 per cent and less than 0.001 per cent. The acid generating potential for the samples taken was zero and the neutralizing potential was calculated as being from 983 to 1052 tons CaCO3 equivalent per thousand tons of material. Paste pH varied from 8.5 to 9.0 and a specific gravity on one sample was 2.74.
Rough limestone reserve calculations were made using a computer program which estimated the topographic surface of the deposit based on elevation contours; the base of the deposit was estimated from the lowest outcropping of limestone. The LST deposit was estimated to contain 945,809,138 tonnes of limestone (Assessment Report 20224).
In 1990, Continental Gold Corp conducted an investigation of limestones on its LST 1 to 7 claims. The purpose of the program was to evaluate the amount of available limestone on the claims, and the purity and acid neutralising capabilities of the limestone.
In 1991, William MacLeod, owner of the Alpha claims, collected five representative chip samples from the main outcrop of interest on the Alpha No. 2 claim with two additional samples collected from the impure limes and the granitic gneiss. All seven samples were assayed for calcium and silica oxides with additional aluminium oxide determinations carried out on the "cleaner" limes from the central outcrop. The Alpha claims covered a small part of the LST limestone deposit.
In 1992, Hewitt Company and Associates conducted a prospecting traverse on their Bend claims over parts of the LST limestone deposit. Ten samples were collected.
In 1993, Hewitt Company and Associates conducted a magnetometer survey on the Bend Claims which covered part of the LST limestone deposit. The magnetometer survey was done as an attempt to identify the purest limestone by a low magnetic signature. The magnetometer did not appear to be a useful tool for delineating limestone contacts.