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File Created: 31-Jan-1992 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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Name GLEN Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 093O057
Status Showing NTS Map 093O10E
Latitude 055º 35' 00'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 39' 36'' Northing 6159760
Easting 521433
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Upper Triassic Bocock Formation varies from 0 to 63 metres thick between Silver Sands and Carbon creeks, having been completely eroded in the lower part of Silver Sands Creek. It consists of very resistant light-grey to grey weathering, grey to brownish grey limestone that is typically micritic to very finely crystalline, but which also has some coarse bioclastic units containing rounded crinoid and brachiopod fragments. To the north, along the west side of McNairn Creek, it becomes coarse-grained calcarenite and is slightly more silty and dolomitic than to the south. Bedding is thick to indistinguishable, and massive.

A minimum of 20 metres of limestone averaging nearly 55 per cent CaO is reported to be present from Discovery Creek to Tiger Creek, a distance of over 10 kilometres (Assessment Report 20410, Figure 2.2). The analysis of one sample taken across 21 metres is recorded as 55.1 per cent CaO, 0.1 per cent MgO, 0.9 per cent insolubles, 0.5 per cent R2O3, 43.7 per cent loss on ignition and 0 per cent SiO2 (Assessment Report 20410, Table 3.1).

EMPR FIELDWORK 1991, pp. 433-440
GSC MAP 11-1961
GSC OF 925