The Chin prospect is located 3.5 kilometres south-southwest of Mount Chingee.
Regionally, the area lies in the Rocky Mountain Trench at the western margin of the Ancestral North American miogeocline and is underlain by quartzite, siltstone and slate of the Neoproterozoic Misinchinka Group, undivided sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cambrian Gog Group and limestone, slate, siltstone and argillite of the Cambrian to Ordovician Kechika Group.
An unnamed Lower Cambrian sequence comprised of beds ranging from quartzite to limestone outcrops for 15 kilometres along a ridge culminating in the peak of Mount Chingee. Bedding trends 120 to 150 degrees. The sequence occasionally contains beds of high calcium limestone.
A microscopic examination of cuttings from 12 percussion holes revealed white to light grey limestone with some rusty staining and slight contamination by white and dark mica.
Cuttings from 33 percussion holes averaged as follows (in per cent) (Industrial Minerals File - G. Klein, 1989):
__________________CaO 55.01MgO 0.95SiO2 0.87Al2O3 0.30Fe2O3 0.18Na2O 0.053K2O 0.099TiO2 0.018P2O5 0.011MnO 0.011Cr2O3 0.010_________________
CaO 55.01
MgO 0.95
SiO2 0.87
Al2O3 0.30
Fe2O3 0.18
Na2O 0.053
K2O 0.099
TiO2 0.018
P2O5 0.011
MnO 0.011
Cr2O3 0.010
Work History
The area south and west of Mount Chingee was prospected, sampled and drilled by G. Klein in 1989.