The Pine River coal occurrence is located between Willow and Falling creeks, south of the Pine River, about 40 kilometres west of Chetwynd.
The Pine River coal showing (License 3987) consists of numerous coal zones in the Lower Cretaceous Gething Formation (Bullhead Group) interbedded with mudstone, coaly shale, siltstone, and sandstone. Approximate thicknesses (from trenches) range up to 6.2 metres and are generally less than 3 metres, however, many shale partings are present in some coal zones.
The structure consists of two tightly folded structures trending northwest. In the southwest are the Willow Creek anticline (which exhibits some minor folding on the limb) and a syncline to the northeast with dips ranging from 15 to 70 degrees over the area. At least two northwest-trending faults are present.
There are three major coal zones with a combined thickness of 11 metres of coal dipping from 27 to 40 degrees. In some seams, the coal is of metallurgical grade.
On a dry basis, ash content ranges from 7.76 to 62.21 per cent (generally less than 20 per cent); volatile matter, 15.46 to 38.15 per cent; fixed carbon, 23.12 to 69.34 per cent (generally about 50 per cent); BTU per pound, 3409 to 12799; and sulphur, 0.28 to 0.80 per cent (Coal Assessment Report 594).
In 1979, a geological reconnaissance program was conducted on coal licenses 3986 to 3993 inclusive, on behalf of owner J.W. MacLeod. In 1980, an exploration program consisting of backhoe trenching, sampling and geological mapping was conducted on selected parts of coal licenses 3986 to 3993. On license 3987, a total of 763 metres of trenching in four trenches and two road cuts were completed. The results of the trenching program indicate that appreciable amounts of coal are present within coal license 3987. Each trench intersected a number of coal zones, some or all of which are continuous throughout the trenching area. Due to difficulties in correlating the various zones, it is not certain how many are present. Some are definitely repeated by local folding. Some of the other numerous coal exposures could also be repeated by tight folding or faulting. It is assumed that there are at least four coal zones on license 3987 with continuity which contain coal seams 1 metre or more wide. These seams may be repeated by structural events and further work is required (Coal Assessment Report 594).