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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  20-Mar-2009 by Gloria Robinson (GLR)

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NMI 093O4 Au1
Name RAINBOW CREEK Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093O021
Status Past Producer NTS Map 093O04W
Latitude 055º 13' 27'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 58' 06'' Northing 6120164
Easting 438404
Commodities Gold, Platinum, Iridium Deposit Types C01 : Surficial placers
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Harper Ranch
Capsule Geology

Gold and platinum placer occurrences found in the Finlay, Parsnip and Peace rivers have been worked since the first discovery by Bill Cust in 1861. The placers generally occur in the top 1.5 to 3 metres of reworked glacial gravels deposited in streams and as benches along streams. Normally worked by hand, these placer operations had limited success. The gold is fine and flat and platinum is common with local high values reported, but it was considered unimportant in most of these placers.

Rainbow Creek, a tributary of the Nation River flows north through the Manson Upland, approximately 60 kilometres south of the town of Mackenzie. Discovery of gold in Rainbow Creek, 2 to 3 kilometres above its confluence with the Nation River, in 1929, led to over 40 kilometres of the Creek being staked and worked by 1931. The fine grained nature of the gold and the low platinum content meant many showings were not profitable. Between 1931 and 1935, 1431 grams of gold were recovered from Rainbow Creek. No other accurate production records are available. Iridium values have also been obtained from assays.

EMPR AR 1906-103; 1923-141; 1929-206; 1930-159; 1933-104; 1936-C34; 1949-240
EMPR BULL *1, pp. 82-88; 2, pp. 45-46; 21, p. 18; 28, p. 44
EMPR FIELDWORK 1991, pp. 344-347; 2001, pp. 303-312
EMPR GF 2000-2; 2000-5
EMPR PF Rimfire (P.M. Kavanagh (1961): Re - Manson Creek Gold Mining Company)
GSC ANN RPT 1894 VOL III, pp. 38c-40c
GSC EC GEOL 13, p. 81
GSC MEM 259, pp. 142-143
GSC OF 925
EMPR PFD 822124