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File Created: 22-Mar-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  01-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name SLIDE, COL 1 Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093N027
Status Showing NTS Map 093N07E
Latitude 055º 15' 09'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 44' 18'' Northing 6124275
Easting 389500
Commodities Copper, Silver, Gold, Zinc Deposit Types H04 : Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu: high sulphidation
L03 : Alkalic porphyry Cu-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Slide occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1360 metres on a steep south-southwest–facing slope, northeast of the Klawli River and approximately 5.1 kilometres north of the northwest end of Chuchi Lake.

Regionally, the area is underlain by undivided volcanic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Chuchi Lake Succession (Takla Group) and quartz monzonitic to monzogranitic and syenitic to monzonitic phases of the Lower Jurassic Hogem Plutonic Suite.

Locally, a zone of mineralization, referred to as the Slide zone, is exposed in outcrop and subcrop and comprises andesite flows and tuffs hosting intermediate to high sulphidation epithermal to high-level porphyry style mineralization. Mineralization occurs primarily as bornite ± chrysocolla blebs and vug fillings associated with quartz-epidote alteration. Other styles of mineralization include (1) semi-massive chalcocite-antlerite-bornite in quarte-iron carbonate-alunite(?) gauge; (2) bornite-chalcocite-chrysocolla blebs and and vug fillings in silica-kaolinite-epidote-illite–altered vesicular volcanics; (3) bornite-sphalerite-pyrite-barite veins and wallrock replacements and (4) semi-massive bornite-magnetite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite within clasts of strongly epidote-altered heterolithic agglomerate.

In 1989, a sample (2631) of chalcocite-antlerite-bornite in volcanic breccia is reported to have yielded 3.34 per cent copper, 56.6 grams per tonne silver and 3.62 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 19748).

In 2007, a sample (96568) from the Slide zone yielded 1.77 per cent copper, 16.4 grams per tonne silver and 0.95 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 30053).

In 2013, a rock sample (052) of bornite-chrysocolla in silica-clay–altered volcanics yielded 2.99 per cent copper, 36.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.227 gram per tonne gold, whereas a sample from a late barite vein with bornite and sphalerite in a mafic dike(?) assayed 5.78 per cent copper, 6.03 per cent zinc, 55 per cent barium oxide, 5 grams per tonne silver and 1.42 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 34717).

Work History

The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Col (MINFILE 093N 101) occurrence and a complete exploration history of the area can be found there.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1990, pp. 89-110; 1991, pp. 103-118; 1992, pp. 87-107
EMPR OF 1991-3; 1992-4
GSC P 41-5; 42-2; 45-9
GSC MAP 876A; 907A; 971A; 1424A
GSC OF 2842
EMPR PFD 812768