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File Created: 24-Mar-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  02-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name PAL, SKOOK Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093N028
Status Showing NTS Map 093N02E
Latitude 055º 13' 25'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 32' 34'' Northing 6120760
Easting 401865
Commodities Copper, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Gold Deposit Types L03 : Alkalic porphyry Cu-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Pal occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1130 metres on a moderately sloped, small east-trending ridge, north of Chuchi Lake and approximately 4.3 kilometres east-southeast of Lhole Tse Mountain.

Regionally, the area is underlain by undivided volcanic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Chuchi Lake Formation (Takla Group), which have been intruded by quartz monzonitic to monzogranitic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Hogem Plutonic Suite.

Locally, an approximately 50-metre wide and greater than 400-metre-long zone of gabbro, trending northeast, hosts local fine-grained disseminated chalcopyrite and clots of chalcopyrite with malachite associated with sporadic potassic and propylitic alteration and occasional epidote ± quartz veining. Magnetite and biotite are also reported. The gabbro unit is reported to possibly be a separate and late intruding event of the Hogem Plutonic Suite.

In 2015, four samples (CH082, 083, 089 and 090) from the Pal zone yielded from 0.084 to 0.472 per cent copper (Assessment Report 35417).

In 2017, an outcrop sample (CH17208) assayed 0.244 per cent copper, whereas two nearby float boulder samples (CH17207 and CH17209) yielded values of up to 0.435 per cent copper, 0.801 per cent lead, 0.919 per cent zinc, 7.7 grams per tonne silver and 10.9 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 36951).

Work History

The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Creek (MINFILE 093N 083) occurrence and a complete exploration history can be found there.

During 2009 through 2019, Ronald J. Bilquist conducted programs of prospecting, rock and soil sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Chuchi 1-10 claims.

EMPR ASS PRT 1215, 3720, 18073, 18392, 21108, 21820, 24172, 27087, 28010, 31649, 32458, 33403, 34770, *35417, *36951, 37713, 38713
EMPR FIELDWORK 1990, pp. 89-110; 1991, pp. 103-118
EMPR OF 1991-3; 1992-4
GSC P 41-5; 42-2; 45-9
GSC MAP 876A; 907A; 971A
GSC OF 2842