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File Created: 29-Apr-2016 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  05-May-2021 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name ROOTS, NINA Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093N096
Status Showing NTS Map 093N15W
Latitude 055º 54' 57'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 49' 22'' Northing 6198210
Easting 386080
Commodities Copper Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
G05 : Cyprus massive sulphide Cu (Zn)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Slide Mountain
Capsule Geology

The Roots occurrence is located on a south facing slope, north of Nina Lake.

The area is underlain by rock of the Mississippian to Permian Mount Howell Succession, Nina Creek Group.

It is reported that the first known mineral occurrence in the vicinity was found by the Geological Survey of Canada in the 1940s and described by E.F. Roots as a mineralized zone at least eight feet (2.4 metres) wide, containing malachite, pyrite, and minor azurite (Assessment Report 25532).

The zone occurs in a 60 metre band of sheared, carbonatized, silicified and pyritized interbedded argillite and andesite. The mineralized zone is broken by many faults and is veined by quartz. The showing is exposed in only a few outcrops.

In 1944, a grab sample assayed 4.83 per cent copper (GSC MEM 252-183).

Work History

The Roots showing is described by Gary Lee in 1997 in his prospecting report on his Nina claims (Assessment Report 25532). It is not known if he visited the showing.

Also see Nina (093N 011).

EMPR ASS RPT 24812, *25532
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 209-220; 1989, pp. 101-114
EMPR OF 1990-17; 1989-12; 1999-2
of Evaluation - Nina 1 Mineral Claims)
GSC MAP 971A; *907A; 876A; 1424A; 5249G
GSC MEM *252-183 (Armstrong); *274 (Roots)
GSC P 41-5; 42-2; 45-9; 75-33