The TR-01 area is underlain by siltstones and sandstones of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group. These are intruded by quartz diorite and/or diorite and/or granodiorite dikes, sills and plugs of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Plutonic Suite.
A quartz vein of 20 centimetres true width contains up to 10 per cent coarse euhedral pyrite and semi-massive pyrite, trace galena, malachite, chalcopyrite. The vein strikes 067 degrees and dips 79 degrees south within quartz diorite. A sample across 10 centimetres of mineralized quartz analyzed greater than 1 per cent lead, greater than 100 grams per tonne silver, 0.3 gram per tonne gold and 0.019 per cent molybdenum (sample 931253, Assessment Report 31755).
See Kisgegas (093M 126) for details of the KM property work history of which the TR-01 area was part of.