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File Created: 01-Apr-2009 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  06-May-2021 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name DAVID, JOY, SPARK Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093M029
Status Showing NTS Map 093M08W
Latitude 055º 15' 36'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 21' 36'' Northing 6126902
Easting 667762
Commodities Molybdenum, Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The David minerals property, including the Spark and Joy claims, is located between Morrison and Nakinilerak lakes, 18 kilometres southeast of the community of Fort Babine.

Generally, a granodiorite stock containing phases of quartz monzonite and hornblende biotite feldspar porphyry of the Eocene Babine Intrusions cuts grey, locally graphitic siltstones of the Middle to Upper Jurassic Ashman Formation (Bowser Lake Group).

Locally, stratified intermediate composition tuffs or greywacke and mudstone with minor silicification and some graded sandstones have been identified. These units have been locally strongly fractured and cemented with quartz and/or pyrite.

Pyrite has been identified in six outcrops and chalcopyrite in one.

Work History

In 1969, David Minerals Ltd. contracted Evergreen Exploration to survey claims including Joy and Spark with helicopter-mounted magnetic and electromagnetic equipment (Assessment Report 02103). Results identified two zones of possible porphyry mineralization.

In 1970, Palisade Exploration and Evergreen Exploration completed 56 327.04 line-metres of cut grid and 67 592.448 line-metres of flagged grid as well as a program of geophysical and soil geochemical surveys on the property. Soil samples were taken every 60.96 metres of the B horizon. Soil sampling yielded no significant results. Two magnetic anomalies were identified on line 120 north (Assessment Report 02896).

In 1971, Palisade Exploration tested the southern magnetic anomaly with a diamond drilling program (68.4 metres).

EMPR ASS RPT *2103, *2896
EMPR PF Cyprus Anvil (Part of aeromag sheet S242G, Nakinilerak Lake; Woolverton, R., (1969-04-30): Interpretation of an airborne geophysical survey of the Spark 37 to Spark 56 mineral claims and adjacent areas; Agilis Exploration Services Ltd. (1969-06-14): Property Location Map of Smithers-Hazelton Area; Todd, G., (1970-09-27): Cyprus, David Project, I.P. notes; Hazeldene, J.M., (1970-10-02): Cyprus, David Minerals, Soils; Helter, B., (1970-10-26): Cyprus, David Minerals, Radem; Jilson, G., (1971-02-01): Geological Report, David Minerals Property, Morrison Lake, B.C.; Woolverton, R.W., (1971-02-26): A Geophysical and Geochemical Report on Spark and Joy Claims; Simpson, J.G., (1971-06-11): Letter from J.G. Simpson RE: David Minerals I.P. Results; Walcott, P.E., (1971-08-01): A Geophysical Report on a ground magnetic and induced polarization survey; Jilson, G., (1972-01-01): Summary Report on 1971 Drilling)