The Kisgegas showing is located 1.6 kilometres northeast of Kisgegas Peak approximately 60 kilometres north of Hazelton.
The area is underlain by siltstones and sandstones of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group intruded by granodiorite dikes and sills of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Plutonic Suite. Several granodiorite plugs, also of the Bulkley Plutonic Suite, outcrop within a few hundred metres of the showings.
The showings consist of quartz vein stockworks and veins ranging up to 1.3 metres in width hosted within, or close to, the granodiorite dikes. The veins are mineralized with variable amounts of calcite and siderite, as well as pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and rarely molybdenite.
A grab sample from one quartz vein assayed 0.34 per cent copper, 1.9 per cent lead, 0.068 per cent zinc, 1840.0 grams per tonne silver and 0.40 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 17542).
In 2009, three samples (441057-441059) were taken by Cavan Ventures in the vicinity of the Kisgegas showing. Sample 441058 taken from within a Babine Plutonic Suite dike assayed 1.206 per cent copper 1.18 per cent lead, 6.68 per cent zinc, 0.62 gram per tonne gold and greater than 300 grams per tonne silver across 10 centimetres (Assessment Report 31149). The sample was described as a quartz vein with three per cent chalcopyrite and ten per cent galena.
In 1987, Pantan Resources conducted reconnaissance-style mapping, prospecting and sampling over a five-day period on their Molly 1-4 claims. Twenty-nine grab samples of primarily quartz vein material containing galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite were collected within a 2.4 kilometre area. Sampling in 1987 revealed the Kisgegas showing.
In 2009, Cavan Ventures held the KM claims which covered the Kisgegas and Icefields (093M 083) showings. Exploration work on the claims consisted of geochemical sampling and geological mapping which tested previously reported and newly discovered areas of anomalous multi-element precious and base metal values. A total of 33 rock samples, 14 stream sediment, and 4 soil samples were collected. Rock sampling was focussed on widespread mineralized (galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and sphalerite) quartz and quartz-carbonate veins hosted within Bulkley Plutonic Suite dikes/sills, Bulkley Plutonic Suite intrusive stocks/plugs, and Bowser Lake Group sediments and metasediments. Highlights of the 2009 exploration silt program included a multi-element gold, copper, lead and arsenic silt anomaly in a stream flowing from the East Glacier area. In addition, a multi-element anomaly was discovered in the northeast cirque area of the property. The Kisgegas showing area was sampled in this year.
In 2010, a field program consisting of continuous rock chip sample trenching (in 56.3 metres), prospecting/rock sampling and geological mapping in the Gully Vein and Gully Vein West areas and detailed mapping of trenches was performed. Fieldwork consisted of the collection of a total of 93 rock samples (75 continuous chip, 7 grab from outcrop and 11 float samples) as well as prospecting and mapping trenches in new areas, including the previously unexplored west end of the main valley and the north and south slopes. Geologic prospecting discovered numerous new mineralized showings. In addition, a new type of mineralization was shown to exist in metasomatically altered intrusive hostrock.
In 2011, Cavan Ventures performed a two-week program consisting of the collection of 3 rocks, 28 silt and 40 soil samples. Hand trenching of nine trenches is reported totalling 56.3 metres. Reconnaissance geological mapping was also conducted.