The Mount Seaton showing is located on the northeastern portion of Mount Seaton, 30 kilometres east-southeast of Hazelton.
The mineralization is hosted within the Blunt Mountain Stock, an Upper Cretaceous granodiorite stock of the Bulkley Intrusions. A pyrite halo is present in the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group rocks, which are locally hornfelsed and are mainly composed of clastic sedimentary rocks.
The molybdenite mineralization occurs in granodioritic rocks and is associated with an early K-feldspar alteration and a later sericite-clay alteration. Molybdenite occurs as traces on fractures, in quartz-K-feldspar veinlets and in quartz veins along prominent east-trending fractures with K-feldspar alteration.
The mineralization shows a spatial relationship to a swarm of feldspar porphyry dikes at the southeast edge of the stock. For more information, see the Blunt occurrence (093M 026).