The East Horizon area consists of tuffs, sedimentary rocks and possibly some volcanic flows that belong to the Cretaceous Skeena Group. The strata have been intruded by Eocene Goosly and Nanika stocks.
The 2010 rock sampling and 2011 drilling analytical data confirm the presence of pyrite, arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite(?), galena, and sphalerite however no significant large scale mineralized zones have been identified. In 2011, drilling on the East zone consisted of 4 holes, the first three of which three targeted coincident IP and soil arsenic-silver soil anomalies at the southern portion of the East Horizon. Anomalous arsenic concentrations were identified in sediments and volcanics containing locally abundant pyrite, pyrrhotite and graphite. Drill hole SH11-08, the most northerly of the four holes in the East Horizon, targeted a large IP chargeability anomaly. At 389 metres the hole intersected a two meter interval (structure) containing 498 grams per tonne silver and 0.22 per cent copper (Assessment Report 32622). Work in 2013 revealed that some of the dacitic and conglomeratic host very weak pyrite plus/minus trace chalcopyrite mineralization that in many instances appear to replace certain clasts or concretions.
Refer to Gaul (093L 256) for further geological and work history details of the Silver Hope property.