The Glacis showing is underlain by a quartz feldspar porphyry stock (the Sunsets stock) of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Plutonic Suite. The stock intrudes andesitic volcanics of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation, Hazelton Group. Quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite veinlets from the western part of Sunsets stock in Glacis basin yielded 0.57 per cent copper and 12.3 grams per tonne silver (sample 14492) Assessment Report 31515).
In 2008, Lions Gate Energy Inc first discovered the Glacis showing on their El Toro property when they found mineralization in the Sunsets stock and sampled it. Lions Gate also conducted an Aerotem airborne geophysical survey in the vicinity in 2007 and a 1495 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical survey in 2007.
See Fly (093L 045) for details of the work history in the immediate vicinity.