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File Created: 20-Apr-2015 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  16-Oct-2015 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name LOLJUH STOCK, EL TORO Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093L034
Status Showing NTS Map 093L06E
Latitude 054º 24' 14'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 10' 00'' Northing 6030000
Easting 619000
Commodities Copper, Molybdenum Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Loljuh Stock showing area is underlain by Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation, Hazelton Group volcanics comprised mainly of andesitic to rhyolitic flows, tuff and breccia. A small quartz dioritic stock is emplaced within the Telkwa volcanics.

At the Loljuh Stock showing, disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor molybdenite occur within the Loljuh stock.

A gossanous zone in the northern Loljuh Stock was found to consist of pyrite and chalcopyrite bearing granodiorite. The best copper mineralization occurred in an apophasis of the granodiorite, yielding 0.35 per cent copper and 0.0008 per cent molybdenum over 1 metre (Sample 13522) and 450 metre to the southwest from a grab sample of the granodiorite with minor magnetite, yielding 0.34 per cent copper and 0.0005 per yielded 453 parts per million copper (S13527). A composite grab over a 15 metres rusty outcrop yielded 0.0765 per cent copper and 0.0021 per cent molybdenum (Sample 13528) (Assessment Report 31515). The highest molybdenum value of 0.0123 per cent was obtained from granodiorite with quartz veinlets (13530). A soil sample underlain by strongly pyritic granodiorite yielded 0.0156 per cent molybdenum (S13535) (Assessment Report 31515). No significant precious metal values were obtained.

See Loljuh (093L 166) for further details of the area work history.

EMPR AR 1967-91
EMPR ASS RPT 2292, 2893, 3874, 17407;, 29206, 29456, 30188, *30982, *31515, 33275, 34445
EMPR EXPL *1988-C169
EMPR GEM 1969-92; *1970-150; *1972-383
EMR MP CORPFILE (Lobell Mines Ltd.)
GSC OF 351
GSC P 44-23
EMPR PFD 681459, 681460