The China Knows area is underlain by Lower Jurassic rocks of the Telkwa Foramtion (Hazelton Group ranging from mafic to intermediate to felsic volcanic flows and pyroclastics.
From 2007 to 2012, John Moll conducted 6 small programs of small diameter EW and X-Ray diamond-drilling totalling 156.6 metres in 8 holes on his China Knows claims. Most holes were reported to show anomalous copper, gold and silver values. One hole in 2011 yielded 0.6 metre at the very bottom of the hole which assayed 1.51 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 33185). The rock from this sample interval was reported to be strongly altered mafic volcanic. The China Knows property covered some of the same ground that was previously covered as the Apex claims and the John and Lori claims. See Apex 8 (093L 246) John (093L 059) for further details.
In 2011 and 2012, Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd held the considerable Buck and Karma property. In 2011, the company conducted 3906 kilometres of aeromagnetic surveying which covered many occurrences in the region including the China Knows area (Assessment Report 33176, 34048).