The 2Bob is largely underlain by clastic sedimentary rocks of the Skeena (Early Cretaceous), Bowser (Middle Late Jurassic) and Hazelton (Early Jurassic) Groups, as well as Hazelton volcanics in the southeast part of the claims. These rocks have been intruded by diorite and granite of the Nanika (Eocene) and Bulkley (Late Cretaceous) Intrusive Suites. The showing is located in an area mapped as intrusive rock (Property Geology map (Figure 5) Assessment Report 30583). The intrusive rock (diorite porphyry(?)) is emplaced in clastic sedimentary rock, probably of the Lower Cretaceous Kitsuns Creek Formation, Skeena Group.
The 2Bob showing is located 650 metres southeast of the FM showing, and consists of a northwest trending silicified structural zone which contains chalcopyrite and local bornite with grades up to 0.92 per cent copper and 0.26 grams per tonne gold (as reported in Assessment Report 33546). The surrounding rocks are variably silicified and run up to 0.23 per cent copper. The nearest drill holes are ZY-99-03, 550 metres west, and ZY-99-05, 560 metres southeast. This showing is marked by very strong iron-manganese staining.
For more information on the Zymo property see FM (093L 324).