Surface and pervasive malachite staining persists in a small gossanous zone which appears to be bedding conformable within the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation of the Hazelton Group.
The maroon to red lapilli tuffs (lJTc) are well bedded (2 to 10 centimetre scale; oriented at 081 degrees by 61 degrees southeast) and a prominent joint pattern (272 degrees by 60 degrees north) exists.
The gossanous zone appears to be sub-parallel to conformable with bedding. Minor fine-grained, augite-bearing basalt of unit lJTb is also present and has been variably carbonatized and limonite stained. Contact relations between the lapilli tuffs and basalts were not exposed but are believed to be faulted. No significant veining was noted during field examination.