Limestone of the Upper Triassic Takla Group outcrops over a 500 by 1000 metre area on the north side of Fulton Lake, 10 kilometres east of Topley Landing.
A grab sample contained 52.74 per cent CaO, 0.46 per cent MgO, 2.43 per cent SiO2, 0.50 per cent Al2O3, 0.42 per cent Fe2O3, 0.08 per cent MnO2, 0.04 per cent P2O5, 0.12 per cent K2O, 0.01 per cent Na2O and 0.04 per cent TiO2 (Industrial Mineral File - Report by E. Westgarde, 1988).
The property was sampled in 1988 by Equity Silver Mines Ltd. during a search for limestone for acid neutralization in their nearby mine.
In 2012, an aeromagnetic program was conducted over the Flute and Lannac (093L 190, 191, 243, 338) properties having a total area coverage is 813 square kilometres. Total survey line coverage was 4,444 line kilometres (Assessment Report 33032, 33707). The showing was covered by this survey.
Refer to O (093L 163) and THEZAR 75 (WEST) (093L 190) for further details of the Lennac and Flute properties.