Bibliography |
EMPR AR 1908-64,172; 1911-119; 1912-115; 1914-215,216; 1917-113; *1922-108,109; 1923-108; 1924-94; 1925-135,359; 1926-129; 1927-134; 1928-159-161,520; 1929-161,429; 1930-139; 1934-C9-C11; 1939-69; 1940-55; 1941-55; 1942-54; 1946-86; *1947-98-100; *1948-82-85; 1950-100; 1951-112; 1952-93; 1953-93; 1954-95; 1956-26-27; 1957-10-11; 1963-25; 1968-120; 1979-129
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 195-208
EMPR INF CIRC 1984-1, p. 13; 1985-1, p. 17
EMPR IR 1984-5, p. 115
EMPR MAP 58; 69-1; 65 (1989)
EMPR MIN STATS 1985, p. 49; 1990, p. 27
EMPR MINING 1975-1980, Vol.1, p. 22; 1981-1985, pp. 15, 40; 1986-1987, p. 57; 1988, p. 66
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1998-8-I, pp. 1-20; 1998-10
EMPR PF (Various Maps and Reports; Consolidated Silver Standard Mines Ltd., Annual Report 1988, p. 5)
EMPR PF Rimfire (Davidson, A.J. (1989-03-14): Letter to W.J. Cummer re: Duthie Mines; Cummer, W.J. (1989-02-28): Proposal to Joint Venture exploration and development of the Duthie Mine)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Duthie Mines Ltd.; Atlas Exploration Company Ltd.; Dorita Silver Mines Ltd.; Silver Standard Mines Ltd.)
GSC MEM 223, p. 103
GSC OF 351
GSC P 36-20; 44-23
GSC SUM RPT 1908, p. 45; 1925 Part A, p. 130
CANMET IR 2269; 2948
GCNL Dec.18, 1978; May 18, 1979; #48, 1985; #76, 1987
N MINER Feb.16, 1978
W MINER Apr. 1947, p. 110 (Re-opening of the Duthie Mine)
Kirkham, R.V. (1969): A Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of the Zonal Distribution of Ores in the Hudson Bay Range, British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin
EMPR PFD 900069, 903054, 903132, 15614, 15615, 15616, 15617, 15619, 15620, 15621, 750587, 750588, 821277, 821278, 882523, 882524, 882525, 882526, 882529, 882530, 882536, 882527, 882528, 882531, 882538, 882539, 882540, 882541, 882542, 882532, 882533, 882534, 882535, 887721, 600253, 600254, 600255, 600256, 600277, 600303, 802226, 802227, 802228, 802229, 802230, 802231, 802232, 802233, 804362, 802582, 802583, 802598, 802884, 804021, 804083, 804158, 804218, 804306, 804308, 804312, 676237, 520853, 520854, 520855, 520856, 681416