The area is underlain by the Jurassic Hazelton Group (Upper Telkwa formation) volcanics which have been intruded by monzonitic stocks and plugs that are likely part of the Jurassic age Topley Intrusions. Extensive aplitic dike swarms intrude these rocks. Minor pyrite, chalcopyrite, and chalcocite mineralization occurs in heavily epidotized sections of the Hazelton Group consisting mainly of breccias, flows, and tuffs of andesitic composition. Gossanous zones occur with the copper sulphides in the volcanic rocks.
Mineralized float from this area was sampled by D. Lay in 1929 and assayed 0.17 gram per tonne gold, 20.6 grams per tonne silver, and 1.6 per cent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1929, page 178).
The area of the showings was visited in 1929 by Douglas Lay of the British Columbia Dept. of Mines but due to snow cover only mineralized float was found. The Swiss Aluminum Mining Co. of Canada Ltd. held the Sal 1-36 claims in 1972; geological mapping was reported. Five samples were collected (Assessment Report 3875).
In 1996, the Hope claims were staked over Hope Peak and the area to the south. Two samples were collected. Sample 308044 was collected in a stream gulch that marks a fault striking 335 degrees and dipping 75 degrees west. The sample was taken from 0.9-metre width of red-black gouge and assayed 4 grams per tonne silver and 0.46 per cent copper (Assessment Report 25006.
In 2012, exploration of the Clore property by Liaoning Eden Venture Investments Ltd involved a multi-sensor airborne geophysical survey and a stream silt sampling and prospecting program and a follow-up survey for the stream geochemistry where 85 silt samples were collected and 2 rock samples. The airborne program consisted of 357.7 line-kilometres of electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric surveying. Both programs were conducted in conjunction with surveys on claim blocks held by Liaoning along the upper Zymoetz River (Zymoetz and Blackberry) and at Hoult Creek. The Clore property contained the Sal (093L 055), Hope Peak (093L 173) and GSC 1971-6 (093L 174) showings which were covered by the airborne survey.