Bibliography |
EMPR AR 1968-137
EMPR ASS RPT 1683, 5346, 6456, 6985, 7166, 7343, 10727, 10869, 13264, 13425, * 14942, * 15374, * 15379, 15710, * 16298, 16770, 18500, 21123
EMPR BULL *64, p. 150
EMPR ENG INSP Annual Report 1989, 1990
EMPR EXPL 1975-138; 1977-189; 1978-215; 1979-224; 1984-321; 1985-310; 1986-349-350; 1987-C300,C301; 1988-C167
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 79; 1976, p. 55; *1978, pp. 132-137; *1979, pp. 123-125; 1980, pp. 25-31; 1981-229-233; *1984, pp. 174-187; 1991, p. 232; 1992, pp. 475-481; *1997, pp. 23-1-23-10
EMPR GEM 1969-142-148; *1970-119-128; 1971-168; 1973-335; 1974-255
EMPR GEOL 1976-105; 1977-1981-113-120
EMPR INF CIRC 1993-13, p. 6; 1994-1, pp. 6-7; 1994-19, p. 6; 1995-1, p. 6
EMPR MAP 11; 65 (1989); 69-1
EMPR MIN STATS 1990, pp. 27, 30, 33, 68, 69, 70; 1980-1992, pp. 7, 11; 1980-1993, pp. 16, 21; 1980-1994, pp. 8, 20, 25
EMPR MINING Vol.1 1975-1980; 1981-1985; 1986-1987; 1988
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1992-3; 1994-1; 1995-20, pp. 79-82; 1998-8-E, pp. 1-25; 1998-10
EMPR P *1990-2
EMPR PF (*Equity Silver Mines Annual Report 1985; Equity Mining Capital Annual Report 1975; Sam Goosly Project Information Summary, Oct 1975; Preliminary Environmental Impact Study on the Proposed Sam Goosly Project, Feb 1976; Beak Consultants Ltd., An Environmental Baseline Survey for the Sam Goosly Project, March 1974; Beak Consultants Ltd., Sam Goosly Project Stage II Detailed Assessment, Sept 1976; Property description excerpt; Geological notes and field notes; Equity Silver Mines Ltd. site plan, 1982; Wetherell, D.G and Sinclair, A.J. (1979): Preliminary Report on Stratigraphy and Genesis of the Sam Goosly Copper-Silver-Antimony Deposit; Report on Equity Silver Mines Limited, Canadian Research Report, Jan.13, 1982; Titanium in Tailings of Porphyry Deposits in British Columbia, by Y.T.J. Kwong; Monthly report, June 1981, Smithers Office; Project Summary: Acid Drainage from the Mine Walls: The Main Zone pit at Equity Silver Mines, BCAMD 1.15, September 1990, Natural Resources Canada; Executive Summary, Geochemical Assessment of the Equity Silver Tailings Pond, MEND Report 2.11.5c, August 1996, Natural Resources Canada)
EMPR PF Cyprus Anvil (Derby Mines Ltd. (1969-11-07): Prospectus Report on the Goosly Lake Property; Ney, C.S., Anderson, J.M. (1972-07-01): Discovery, Geologic Setting and Style of Mineralization, Sam Goosly Deposit, B. C.; Sawyer, J.B.P. (1972-11-23): Re: Sam Goosly Project; Kennco Explorations (Western) Ltd. (unknown): Plan and Sections Map - Diamond Drill Hole - Sam Goosly; unknown (unknown): Geology Map - Sam Goosly Property)
EMPR PF Placer Dome (R.B. Pease (1983): Regional Heavy Mineral Sampling Programme Report - Equity Silver; P.B. Pease (1984): Summary by sample geochemical on conventional silts - Equity Silver; Unknown (1989): 1988 Heavy Mineral Sampling Data sheet and geochemical lab report; Unknown (1989): 1989 Heavy Mineral Study and assay results)
EMPR PF Rimfire (K. Witherly (1988): Minutes for the Annual Meeting of the B.C. Minerals Logging Committee - Equity Silver; K. Witherly (1987): Re Logging Data collected at Goldstream; P. Kowalczyk (1987): Re GSC Logging Program - Equity Drill Holes 86-247, 86-250; Canadian Mining and Metallurgical (unknown): Geology map of Sam Goosly Property; C.H.B. Leitch, A.J. Sinclair, C.I. Godwin (1990): Metallogenic implications of Galena Lead Isotope Data, Equity Silver and Silver Queen Deposits; Unknown (1973): Magnetometer and E.M. Survey Notes - Test Flights; Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. (1973): Elesec. Aeromag survey, Test Flight over Sam Goosly Property, Granisle Copper, Bell Copper - Magnetics, Morrison Lake)
EMR Canadian Mineral Industry Monthly Report, January 1990
EMR MP CORPFILE (Equity Mining Capital Limited; S.G. Mining Inc.; Granby Mining Corporation; Equity Silver Mines Limited; Placer Development Limited)
GSC BULL 270, 73 pp.
GSC EC GEOL *1984, Vol.79, No.5, pp. 947-968
GSC GB Field Excursion 2, pp. 1-13
GSC OF 351
GSC P 72-1A, pp. 39-41
CIM BULL Vol. 83, No. 934, pp. 69-76 (Church, B.N. and Pettipas, A.R. (1990): Interpretation of the Second Derivative of Aeromagnetic Maps at the Silver Queen and Equity Silver Mines, Houston, B.C.)
CIM Reporter Oct.30, 1981; Mar. 1982; Sept. 1983; Dec. 1985 p. 84-93
CMJ April 1992
GCNL #13,#20, 1976; #11, 1977; #232, 1978; #46,#146,#152,#169,#229, 1979; #36,#40,#56,#145,#152,#208, 1980; #34,#38,#80,#146,#206, #212, 1981; #28,#82,#83,#85,#148,#209,#210, 1982; #23,#82,#143, #144, 1983; #12,#31,#39,#81,#146,#240, 1984; #28,#81,#115,#120, #208, 1985; #131,#143,#213, 1986; #38,#55,#222,*#154, 1988; #87(May 6), 1993
MIN REV Nov/Dec, 1981; Mar/Apr, 1982; July/Aug 1982
N MINER Sept 1, 1977; April 27, 1978; March 8, 1979; July 2, Jan 15, Nov 5, 1981; Jan 14, Feb 11, May 6, May 13, Dec 16, 1982; Feb 3, July 28, Oct 20, 1983; Jan 19, Feb 9, March 15, April 5, April 12, May 17, Aug 19, Nov 29, 1984; Feb 14, March 28, April 11, May 2, June 20, July 18, Aug 29, Sept 23, Oct 28, 1985; Jan 6, May 5, Nov 10, 1986; Feb 23, April 6, May 4, Vol.#18, 1987; Feb.15, *March 28, May 2, Sept.19, 1988; May 15, Aug.21, 1989; Feb.19, Mar.12, Jul.16, Nov.12, 1990; Apr.8, May 13, Aug.19, Sept.23, 1991; May 10, 1993
V STOCKWATCH Jul.6,Aug.12,25, 1988; Apr.4,10, 1989
W MINER June 1979, p. 47; July 1980, p. 19-22; Dec 1980, p. 10, June 1981, p. 22; April 1982, p.53-65; June 1982; March 1983; Aug 1983; Feb 1984, p.65; April 1984
CIM BULL Vol. 69, pp. 88-95 (Church, B.N., Barakso, J.J. and Bowman, A.F. (1979): Endogenous Distribution of Minor Elements in the Goosly-Owen Lake Area of Central British Columbia)
CIM BULL Vol.65, pp. 53-64 (Ney, C., Anderson, J.M. and Panteleyev, A. (1972): Discovery, Geologic Setting and Style of Mineralization, Sam Goosly Deposit)
ECON GEOL Vol.79, pp. 969-990 (*Wojdak, P.J. and Sinclair, A.J. (1984): Equity Silver Ag-Cu-Au Deposit; Alteration and Fluid Inclusion Studies)
ECON GEOL Vol. 79, pp. 947-968 (*Cyr, J.B., Pease, R.B. and Schroeter, T.G. (1984): Geology and Mineralization at Equity Silver Mine)
W MINER, Vol.57, No.4, pp. 50-54 (Kowalchuk, J.M., Church, B.N., Bradshaw, P.M.D. and Barakso, J.J. (1984): Lithogeochemistry at the Equity Silver Mine; August 1981)
Church, B.N. (1993): The North Zone, Equity Silver Mine, EMPR Unpublished report.
Metals Week Feb 27, 1984
Placer Dome File
Wetherell, D.G. (1979): Geology and Ore Genesis of the Sam Goosly Copper-Silver-Antimony Deposit, British Columbia, M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia
Wojdak, P.J. (1974): Alteration of the Sam Goosly Copper-Silver Deposit, British Columbia, M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia
EMPR PFD 860505, 860552, 860550, 902968, 15347, 15364, 15365, 15366, 15369, 15371, 15373, 15375, 15376, 15381, 15382, 15383, 15384, 15385, 15386, 15387, 15388, 15389, 15390, 15391, 15392, 15393, 750522, 907030, 907179, 907216, 907299, 907347, 907424, 907610, 907657, 908219, 811946, 811947, 811948, 811949, 811950, 811951, 821220, 821221, 821222, 821226, 860520, 860551, 860559, 860567, 822223, 822417, 822420, 822421, 887420, 887421, 887422, 887424, 887425, 887426, 887569, 887570, 887571, 887572, 887573, 887574, 887575, 887576, 887577, 887578, 887580, 887581, 887582, 887583, 842263, 895044, 862475, 862484, 862485, 862486, 862487, 862488, 862489, 862490, 862491, 862492, 862493, 843101, 843102, 843103, 843249, 502521, 502622, 502623, 502624, 502626, 502680, 502681, 502719, 502803, 502804, 502805, 502835, 502848, 504023, 504025, 505667, 505717, 505718, 505719, 505720, 505721, 505722, 509567, 509568, 509583, 830365, 830412, 830413, 830441, 830442, 676086, 676087, 676088, 676859, 896427, 520228, 681131, 681414