The Bornite 5 occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1350 metres on a steep west-facing slope, east of Tildesley Creek and approximately 9.3 kilometres west-northwest of Mount Sidney Williams.
Regionally, the area is underlain by Upper Paleozoic ultramafic and sedimentary rocks. This suite of rocks is of probable ophiolitic affinity related to the oceanic Upper Paleozoic Cache Creek Group on which it lies.
The eastern part of the Bornite claim group, on the east side of Tildesley Creek, is underlain by fault-imbricated slivers of ultramafic rock, slate and siltstone, and greenstone. These rocks are inferred to represent either the North Arm succession or the Sitlika Assemblage imbricated with the ultramafic unit in the footwall of the Mount Sidney Williams ultramafic allochthon.
The ultramafics are highly anomalous in nickel, which occurs as heazelwoodite, bravoite, siegenite(?) and native nickel-iron alloy. Disseminated chromite is also reported. In addition, certain phases of the ultramafic are highly anomalous in gold. The nickel sulphides occur as disseminations and on fractures throughout the ultramafic.
In 1995, diamond drilling yielded intercepts including 0.140 per cent nickel over 226.14 metres (1.52 to 227.99 metres down-hole) in hole B95-5 (Assessment Report 24277). Also at this time, four chip samples (142362, 142363, 142419 and 142387) from the area of drillhole B89-5 yielded from 0.161 to 0.297 gram per tonne gold and 0.112 to 0.239 per cent nickel over 1.0 with an average of 0.27 per cent nickel over 18 metres (Assessment Report 24277 and Property File 520945).
In 1998, two samples (142686 and 142687) from this zone yielded 0.178 and 0.148 per cent nickel with 0.094 and 0.063 per cent chromium, respectively (Assessment Report 25668).
Work History
In 1995, Hera Resources Inc. completed a program of rock and soil sampling and five diamond drill holes, totalling 893.6 metres, on the area as the Bornite 1-11 claims. Three of these drillholes were completed on the eastern part of the Bornite claim group in the area of the Tildesley Creek occurrence.
During 1997 through 2012, Ursala Mowat completed programs of prospecting, rock sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Bornite property.