The Orbit (Chapman) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 860 metres on a gentle south-facing slope, approximately 1.6 kilometres northwest of the west end of Stern Lake.
The area is underlain by diorite of the Late Triassic Stern Creek Plutonic Suite (Stern Creek Phase Dioritic Intrusives) with minor andesite the Eocene to Oligocene Endako Formation (Nechako Plateau Group).
Locally, a diorite with quartz-chlorite-epidote veins hosts chalcopyrite and pyrite mineralization.
In 2012, samples yielded up to 0.137 per cent copper and 4.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 33572).
Work History
In 1968 and 1969, Mercury Explorations completed a program of soil sampling and an induced polarization survey on the area as the Tat claims. This work identified a 3000- by 450-metre anomalous zone, elongated in a north-northeast direction, along with some minor areas of weak molybdenum soil anomalies.
In 2012, J.B. Remple completed a program of prospecting and geochemical (rock, silt, and soil) sampling on the area as the Orbit property. Further prospecting and sampling is reported to have been performed in 2014. In 2015, a program of geological mapping and till sampling in 35 overburden drillholes, totalling 55.4 metres, was completed on the Orbit property.