The Kathleen Jane occurrence is located on an east facing slope, south east of the community of Burns Lake and approximately 5 kilometres north of the east end of Tchesinkut Lake.
The region is underlain by Lower Jurassic strata into which felsic plutons of the Upper Jurassic Francois Lake Suite have been intruded. Volcanics of the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary Ootsa Lake Group overlie these rocks.
The showing comprises minor specularite in small fractures cutting amygdaloidal andesite of the Ootsa Lake Group. A sample of one of these hematitic fractures assayed 1.0 per cent zinc (Annual Report 1926, p.144).
Work History
In 1990, Placer Dome Inc. completed a program of rock, silt, and soil sampling on the area as the Sinkut 1-2 claims.
In 2014, Kootenay Silver Inc. completed a program of prospecting on the area west of the occurrence as the Higgs Boson 1-14 claims.