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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  11-May-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 093K6 Cu2
Name J, T, J 9-12, CLUB 4, ASPIRA Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093K044
Status Showing NTS Map 093K06E
Latitude 054º 26' 36'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 13' 00'' Northing 6035112
Easting 356258
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Silver, Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The J (J 9-12) occurrence is located on a north-facing slope of a northwest-trending ridge, southeast of Babine Lake and approximately 5.5 kilometres north-northwest of Henrietta Lake.

The geology of the region consists of: 1) a Mississippian to Triassic Cache Creek Group oceanic volcanic and sedimentary assemblage, 2) the Upper Triassic dominantly mafic volcanic Takla Group, 3) the Lower to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group mafic to felsic volcanic and sedimentary rocks, 4) the Upper Cretaceous to Neogene Ootsa Lake Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks and 5) rock from the Oligocene and Miocene Endako Group. The region has been intruded by the Lower Jurassic quartz monzonite to granodiorite Topley Intrusive Suite, Upper Jurassic plutons of the Francois Lake Suite and plugs and stocks related to Upper Cretaceous and Eocene volcanism.

The showing is underlain entirely by argillite, quartzite, and interbedded chlorite schist. Mineralization comprises chalcopyrite within quartz stringers cutting chlorite schist. Magnetite is also reported in the schists.

Work in 1992 identified disseminated pyrite and trace chalcopyrite in andesitic volcanics associated with epidote-quartz lenses and a quartz-sericite-carbonate–altered zone with banded sulphides hosted at a sedimentary-volcanic contact.

Work History

In 1967, Tapin Copper Mines Ltd. completed a 40.2 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the J and T groups of claims.

Cominco Ltd. staked the Club 1-5 claims on the area in 1991, and completed a program of geological mapping, prospecting and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling the following year. A float sample (NJC192) of mineralized andesitic volcanics yielded 1.78 per cent copper, 6.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.17 gram per tonne gold, whereas a sample mineralized quartz-sericite-carbonate unit yielded 0.13 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 22505).

In 2007 and 2008, Amarc Resources Ltd. completed programs of soil sampling and a 424.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the area as the Aspira property.

EMPR AR 1967-107
EMPR ASS RPT 1111, *22505, 29695, 30671
EMPR EXPL 1992-69-106
EMPR FIELDWORK 1992, pp. 475-482
EMPR PFD 670194, 670195, 670196
GSC MAP 631A; 907A; 1424A; 5305G
GSC OF 2593, 3184
GSC P 90-1F, pp. 115-120; 91-1A, pp. 7-13