The Nechako occurrence is located on a small hill west of the Nechako River and approximately 5.5 kilometres south-southeast of Fort Fraser.
The area is underlain mainly by granitic, granodioritic and gabbroic to dioritic intrusive phases of the Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous Endako Batholith and andesitic volcanic rocks of the Eocene to Oligocene Endako Formation (Nechako Plateau Group).
Locally, a shear zone striking 120 degrees and dipping 65 degrees southwest cuts the granodiorite. Small veins of chalcopyrite and minor malachite occur along this shear zone. In 1929, a selected sample assayed 34.29 grams per tonne silver, 4.0 per cent copper and trace gold (Annual Report 1929 p.182).
Work History
In 1968, Plateau Metals Ltd. completed a 16.0 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey and an 85.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the area as the Art 1-19 claims.
In 1978, Denison Mines Ltd. completed a program of geochemical (water, silt, and soil) sampling and a 2.5 line-kilometre ground radiometric survey on the area as the Taiga 1-2 claims. This work was centred on uranium exploration.