The Mac 9-14 occurrence is located north of Des Creek, approximately 800 metres northwest of its confluence with the McLeod River and approximately 8 kilometres southwest of the community of McLeod Lake.
The area is underlain by Triassic to Jurassic Takla Group volcanic tuffs and Triassic Takla argillites. Pyroxenite, intruded as a large dike or sill, occurs immediately west of the occurrence area. Narrow feldspar porphyry dikes appear in outcrop in the vicinity of the epithermal mineralization.
Outcrop exposed along a road cut adjacent to Des Creek consists of rusty argillite with quartz stockwork that grades into completely silicified, brecciated, pyritic rock. The silicified section of outcrop contains gold-bearing, epithermal-style, banded chalcedonic quartz veins with patches and bands of massive stibnite and lesser arsenopyrite.
In 2000, a 2-metre chip sample taken across one vein exposure assayed 3.94 grams per tonne gold and 0.41 per cent antimony (Assessment Report 26315).
In 2008, two rock samples (199 and 200) from an altered ultramafic located approximately 600 metres north-northeast of the main occurrence, yielded 0.465 and 0.563 gram per tonne gold, respectively (Assessment Report 30611). Later work, in 2010, indicated that these samples came from a large partially buried boulder that yielded up to 2.98 grams per tonne gold (Sample 199A; Assessment Report 32274).
In 2014, a 1.0-metre channel sample (SBR-13) of siliceous argillite with vuggy quartz veins hosting pyrite from the main occurrence assayed 7.00 grams per tonne gold, 9.5 grams per tonne silver and greater than 0.20 per cent antimony (Assessment Report 35224).
Work History
In 1986, Plasway National Research Ltd. prospected and sampled the area. In 1989, Ezekiel Explorations Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the G North property. In 1990, a 124.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic and electromagnetic survey was completed on the property. Also in 1990, Plasway National completed a program of geological mapping, rock sampling and a 5.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area immediately east of the occurrence as the Byt 1-3 and Dove 1-2 claims.
The property was owned and worked between 1995 and 2000 by Linda Dandy and Perry Grunenberg. Work conducted in 1995 and 1996 included soil and rock sampling and magnetometer surveying. Rock sampling (7) yielded up to 5.23 grams per tonne gold with associated silver, arsenic and antimony values. Ten soil samples were collected, and a 2-kilometre ground magnetics survey was completed. A total of 36 soil samples and 2 rock samples were taken over the property in 1997. Soil sampling gave anomalous gold and arsenic results trending across the grid, indicating a gold-bearing mineralized zone of at least 400 metres length. Neither of the rock samples contained detectable gold values. A geological review and additional rock sampling were conducted on the property in 2000 and six rock chip samples were taken from several sites within the 1998 soil grid area. Results of sampling further confirm the presence of gold-bearing epithermal veins.
In 2008, Opal Resources Canada Inc. completed a program of rock and soil sampling on the area as the Bragg 1-2 claims.
During 2012 through 2014, Almo Capital Corp. completed programs of prospecting and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling on the area as the D.D. property. Also, in 2014 and 2018, the area was prospected and sampled as the Placer Antimony property.
In 2020 and 2021, Golden Planet Mining Corp. completed a regionally extensive program of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock, till and soil) sampling and a 4851.0-line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area as the Rider property.