A small road material quarry (minor production) 1.25 kilometres east of the John Hart Highway (Highway 97), at mile 72, exposes black, siliceous limestone containing lenses and seams of dark chert. The limestone strikes 170 degrees and dips 58 degrees west. The quarry lies near the north end of a band of limestone with minor dolomite and quartzite of the Upper Ordovician to Middle Silurian aged Sandpile Group. The band extends southeastward from the south end of McLeod Lake for 35 kilometers and varies up to 4 kilometres in width.
A sample of chips taken at random across a 15 metre section contained 31.88% CaO, 13.59% MgO, 12.34% insolubles, 2.04% R2O3, 0.29% Fe2O3, 0.02% MnO, 0.03% P2O5 and 0.48% ignition loss (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1965, page 266).