At the Bow occurrence, approximately 5 metres of grey bedded barite occurs within shale of the Antler Formation of the Upper Paleozoic to Upper Triassic Slide Mountain Group. The contact of the barite and shale strikes 140 degrees and dips 72 degrees southwest with tops to the southwest.
A section through the barite showing from bottom to top is as follows: 5 metres of bedded barite; a rusty 30 centimetre band of interbedded barite and shale; 20 centimetres of rusty, black shale with graphite and occasional barite; 15 centimetres of a black earthy band; and at the top, graphitic shale with rusty stains (D. Hora, personal communication, 1993).
In 1999, Ronald MacArthur staked the property as the Apollo and conducted geological and geochemical surveys in 2002. Tiger Ridge Resources Ltd optioned the property in 2005 and conducted drilling of six holes in 2006.
The showing was found on the basis of a Regional Geochemistry Survey (J. Nebocat, personal communication, 1993).