The Bonanza showing is located approximately 87 kilometres east of the town of Prince George on the north side of the Fraser River, near the hamlet of Longworth and within the Cariboo Mining Division.
The region is characterized by early Paleozoic rocks that have been complexly folded and thrust faulted. The Nonda Formation, characterized by Silurian, calcareous platformal sediments and strongly folded and faulted lenses of mafic volcanic rocks, is in fault contact with Hadrynian to Lower Paleozoic McNaughton Formation metasedimentary rocks that lie on the southwest side (hangingwall) of the fault. Although strata strike northwest on a regional scale, in this area the beds strike northeast and dip steeply southeast due to folding.
Mineralization comprises irregularly distributed galena and sphalerite in quartz seams hosted by quartzite near the contact with limestone. Some barite is also present. In 1928, a selected sample of this mineralization assayed 2.7424 grams per tonne silver, 38 per cent lead, 7 per cent zinc and trace gold (Annual Report 1928 p.190).