The Fraser River showing is located approximately 72 kilometres east of the town of Prince George, on the Fraser River and in the Cariboo Mining Division.
The area is underlain by platformal sedimentary rocks of the Cariboo terrane. The dominant rocks of the region are limestone, dolostone, shale, siltstone and phyllite of the Mural Formation of the lower Cambrian Gog Group. The showing is underlain by three limestone units and a shale unit, striking to the northwest and dipping 30 to 40 degrees to the southwest.
Locally, mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite and malachite in brecciated and altered limestone near the shale contact. This mineralization occurs as pods and lenses of massive sulphides and in quartz veins cutting the limestone. Alteration consists of silicification and secondary carbonate.